Saturday, December 18, 2010


Sometimes we have these plans in life, and we think they are perfect. We think that we have life all figured out and that everything will just keep going as planned. The Lord is showing me more and more that I really don't know what life is about. When I think I've found my way and don't need any help, he shows me that I am so wrong. I have to trust Him, even when I don't feel like it.
Today, I learned a big lesson. My boyfriend of almost two years and I decided to end our relationship today. I thought we would soon marry and be happy together forever. The Lord slowly showed me that I was wrong in making me plans and not consulting him- much less not fully putting my trust in Him for what may happen in my life. See, I've been going about everything the wrong way. I need to pray, seek God's word, and wait on Him to see what He wants me to do. Instead, I've been planning my life away and then saying, "Okay, God, does this sound good?". By doing it this way, I'm not only cheating myself by giving myself the measly plans that I've made rather than the huge, life changing plans that God has made for me.
Perhaps this has happened because God wants me to seek him more often, focus on him more often and live for him. It is so easy to get distracted in life and get all caught up in what makes us happy as individuals, but God can make us so much happier! I love Him so much and I'm so ashamed of the time I haven't spent adoring Him and praising Him for all that he is. He has the strength and power to help me through any hard time I'm going through.. and I am sure that He will bring me through this and make me a better Christian and even more in love with Him. I pray that I can be an example to others, somehow, that we might all encourage one another to love and seek God with our lives.

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